我们介绍了DeepNash,这是一种能够学习从头开始播放不完美的信息游戏策略的自主代理,直到人类的专家级别。 Stratego是人工智能(AI)尚未掌握的少数标志性棋盘游戏之一。这个受欢迎的游戏具有$ 10^{535} $节点的巨大游戏树,即,$ 10^{175} $倍的$倍于GO。它具有在不完美的信息下需要决策的其他复杂性,类似于德克萨斯州Hold'em扑克,该扑克的游戏树较小(以$ 10^{164} $节点为单位)。 Stratego中的决策是在许多离散的动作上做出的,而动作与结果之间没有明显的联系。情节很长,在球员获胜之前经常有数百次动作,而Stratego中的情况则不能像扑克中那样轻松地分解成管理大小的子问题。由于这些原因,Stratego几十年来一直是AI领域的巨大挑战,现有的AI方法几乎没有达到业余比赛水平。 Deepnash使用游戏理论,无模型的深钢筋学习方法,而无需搜索,该方法学会通过自我播放来掌握Stratego。 DeepNash的关键组成部分的正则化NASH Dynamics(R-NAD)算法通过直接修改基础多项式学习动力学来收敛到近似NASH平衡,而不是围绕它“循环”。 Deepnash在Stratego中击败了现有的最先进的AI方法,并在Gravon Games平台上获得了年度(2022年)和历史前3名,并与人类专家竞争。
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基于模型的强化学习(RL)的主要挑战之一是决定应建模环境的哪些方面。值等价(VE)原则提出了一个简单的答案,对此问题:模型应该捕获与基于价值的规划相关的环境的方面。从技术上讲,VE基于一组策略和一组功能区分模型:如果贝尔曼运营商诱导策略,则据说模型是对环境的VE,在应用于功能时产生正确的结果。随着策略数量的增加,VE模型集缩小,最终折叠到对应于完美模型的单点。因此,VE原理的基本问题是如何选择足以规划的最小策略和功能。在本文中,我们对回答这个问题进行了重要一步。我们首先通过朝鲜钟人机运营商的$ k $申请概括为达到秩序的概念。这导致了一个VE类的家庭,尺寸随着$ k \ lightarow \ idty $而增加。在极限中,所有功能都成为价值函数,我们有一个特殊的实例化,我们称之为适当的VE或简单的PVE。与VE不同,PVE类可能包含多种型号,即使在使用所有值函数时也可以包含多个模型。至关重要的是,所有这些模型都足以规划,这意味着他们将产生最佳政策尽管他们可能忽略了环境的许多方面。我们构建用于学习PVE模型的损失函数,并认为诸如Muzero的流行算法可以被理解为最小化这种损失的上限。我们利用这一联系提出了对Muzero的修改,并表明它可以在实践中提高性能。
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Constructing agents with planning capabilities has long been one of the main challenges in the pursuit of artificial intelligence. Tree-based planning methods have enjoyed huge success in challenging domains, such as chess and Go, where a perfect simulator is available. However, in real-world problems the dynamics governing the environment are often complex and unknown. In this work we present the MuZero algorithm which, by combining a tree-based search with a learned model, achieves superhuman performance in a range of challenging and visually complex domains, without any knowledge of their underlying dynamics. MuZero learns a model that, when applied iteratively, predicts the quantities most directly relevant to planning: the reward, the action-selection policy, and the value function. When evaluated on 57 different Atari games -the canonical video game environment for testing AI techniques, in which model-based planning approaches have historically struggled -our new algorithm achieved a new state of the art. When evaluated on Go, chess and shogi, without any knowledge of the game rules, MuZero matched the superhuman performance of the AlphaZero algorithm that was supplied with the game rules.
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The deep reinforcement learning community has made several independent improvements to the DQN algorithm. However, it is unclear which of these extensions are complementary and can be fruitfully combined. This paper examines six extensions to the DQN algorithm and empirically studies their combination. Our experiments show that the combination provides state-of-the-art performance on the Atari 2600 benchmark, both in terms of data efficiency and final performance. We also provide results from a detailed ablation study that shows the contribution of each component to overall performance.
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We propose a conceptually simple and lightweight framework for deep reinforcement learning that uses asynchronous gradient descent for optimization of deep neural network controllers. We present asynchronous variants of four standard reinforcement learning algorithms and show that parallel actor-learners have a stabilizing effect on training allowing all four methods to successfully train neural network controllers. The best performing method, an asynchronous variant of actor-critic, surpasses the current state-of-the-art on the Atari domain while training for half the time on a single multi-core CPU instead of a GPU. Furthermore, we show that asynchronous actor-critic succeeds on a wide variety of continuous motor control problems as well as on a new task of navigating random 3D mazes using a visual input.
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Experience replay lets online reinforcement learning agents remember and reuse experiences from the past. In prior work, experience transitions were uniformly sampled from a replay memory. However, this approach simply replays transitions at the same frequency that they were originally experienced, regardless of their significance. In this paper we develop a framework for prioritizing experience, so as to replay important transitions more frequently, and therefore learn more efficiently. We use prioritized experience replay in Deep Q-Networks (DQN), a reinforcement learning algorithm that achieved human-level performance across many Atari games. DQN with prioritized experience replay achieves a new stateof-the-art, outperforming DQN with uniform replay on 41 out of 49 games.
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We adapt the ideas underlying the success of Deep Q-Learning to the continuous action domain. We present an actor-critic, model-free algorithm based on the deterministic policy gradient that can operate over continuous action spaces. Using the same learning algorithm, network architecture and hyper-parameters, our algorithm robustly solves more than 20 simulated physics tasks, including classic problems such as cartpole swing-up, dexterous manipulation, legged locomotion and car driving. Our algorithm is able to find policies whose performance is competitive with those found by a planning algorithm with full access to the dynamics of the domain and its derivatives. We further demonstrate that for many of the tasks the algorithm can learn policies "end-to-end": directly from raw pixel inputs.
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We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies directly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. We apply our method to seven Atari 2600 games from the Arcade Learning Environment, with no adjustment of the architecture or learning algorithm. We find that it outperforms all previous approaches on six of the games and surpasses a human expert on three of them.
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In this paper, we propose a novel technique, namely INVALIDATOR, to automatically assess the correctness of APR-generated patches via semantic and syntactic reasoning. INVALIDATOR reasons about program semantic via program invariants while it also captures program syntax via language semantic learned from large code corpus using the pre-trained language model. Given a buggy program and the developer-patched program, INVALIDATOR infers likely invariants on both programs. Then, INVALIDATOR determines that a APR-generated patch overfits if: (1) it violates correct specifications or (2) maintains errors behaviors of the original buggy program. In case our approach fails to determine an overfitting patch based on invariants, INVALIDATOR utilizes a trained model from labeled patches to assess patch correctness based on program syntax. The benefit of INVALIDATOR is three-fold. First, INVALIDATOR is able to leverage both semantic and syntactic reasoning to enhance its discriminant capability. Second, INVALIDATOR does not require new test cases to be generated but instead only relies on the current test suite and uses invariant inference to generalize the behaviors of a program. Third, INVALIDATOR is fully automated. We have conducted our experiments on a dataset of 885 patches generated on real-world programs in Defects4J. Experiment results show that INVALIDATOR correctly classified 79% overfitting patches, accounting for 23% more overfitting patches being detected by the best baseline. INVALIDATOR also substantially outperforms the best baselines by 14% and 19% in terms of Accuracy and F-Measure, respectively.
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The recent increase in public and academic interest in preserving biodiversity has led to the growth of the field of conservation technology. This field involves designing and constructing tools that utilize technology to aid in the conservation of wildlife. In this article, we will use case studies to demonstrate the importance of designing conservation tools with human-wildlife interaction in mind and provide a framework for creating successful tools. These case studies include a range of complexities, from simple cat collars to machine learning and game theory methodologies. Our goal is to introduce and inform current and future researchers in the field of conservation technology and provide references for educating the next generation of conservation technologists. Conservation technology not only has the potential to benefit biodiversity but also has broader impacts on fields such as sustainability and environmental protection. By using innovative technologies to address conservation challenges, we can find more effective and efficient solutions to protect and preserve our planet's resources.
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